Sunday, March 16, 2008


Today is my birthday.

Thirty-five had fucking well better be the new twenty-five or there's going to be trouble.

That is all.


Blogger longcat chimed in with...

happy fucking birthday x

i have the half 70 coming up this year too... x

16 March, 2008 14:02  
Blogger Geoff chimed in with...

30 was the new 25 in my day.

People are getting younger and younger.

Happy Birthday, Surly.

16 March, 2008 14:52  
Blogger Betty chimed in with...

Many happy returns.

Forty five had fucking well better be the new twenty five in July, when I reach that awful milestone ... well, with lower breasts and more memory loss, obviously.

16 March, 2008 16:40  
Blogger Vicus Scurra chimed in with...

When you get to the stage where you say "x is the new y", then you know that you have lost any chance of ever being credible again, let alone young.
I am sorry to be the one to have to tell you this, but I see it as my duty as a friend.
I hope that this helps.

16 March, 2008 17:18  
Anonymous Anonymous chimed in with...

Happy Birthday Surly.

I was hoping 38 is the new 28 and that purple is the new black and that biscuits are the new Ryvita but I'm just kidding myself! But getting drunk and falling over is great whatever your age.

Girl Behind the Partition xx

16 March, 2008 17:41  
Blogger surly girl chimed in with...


were you watching me secretly on friday night???? ouchie.

16 March, 2008 17:48  
Blogger H chimed in with...

Sorry to disappoint, I heard on Radio 4 that 35 is the new 45.


Happy birthday, gorgeous girl.

16 March, 2008 19:07  
Anonymous Anonymous chimed in with...

Happy (belated) birthday!

As far as the age thing goes - just lie. I've been 27 so long my brother is now older than me!

17 March, 2008 10:39  
Anonymous Anonymous chimed in with...

Oh, to be thirty five. Happy birthday Surly.

17 March, 2008 10:48  
Blogger the Beep chimed in with...

I'm singing along with Thursday. I can barely remember 35, let alone 25.

Happy (belated) birthday Surly. Really. Very Happy.

17 March, 2008 16:03  
Blogger crisiswhatcrisis chimed in with...

Happy day mate. 35 is a piece of proverbial piss compared to what comes along five fucking years later - and those five go so quickly I shouldn't blink if I were you.

Arse to the lot of it. Nice to see you back.

17 March, 2008 17:56  
Blogger Kyahgirl chimed in with...

hey, hope it was a great birthday celebration. you ol' git!

17 March, 2008 19:12  
Blogger Mephitis chimed in with...

Happy birthday, beatedly.

17 March, 2008 20:56  
Blogger Mephitis chimed in with...

Or belatedly, whichever. :)

17 March, 2008 20:57  
Blogger claire chimed in with...

happy birthday, you. hope this year brings less shit than the last.

17 March, 2008 21:02  
Blogger FirstNations chimed in with...

1. happy birthday!

2. keep to the shadows. it worked for catherine deneuve; it will work for you!

17 March, 2008 21:54  
Blogger Cheezy chimed in with...

Happy birthday, surly... I turned the same age a while back and didn't really notice much difference to how I was at 25... either to my personality, outlook, or (least of all) bank balance... Maybe my love handles are slightly bigger now though.

18 March, 2008 09:56  
Blogger llewtrah chimed in with...

Belated many happy returns. Oh to be only 35 again ...

20 March, 2008 12:22  
Anonymous Anonymous chimed in with...

You should worry.

It only really gets bad when the five is the first number, not the second...

21 March, 2008 12:02  

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