Wednesday, February 01, 2006


Today's cautionary tale comes to you via a supplement to an industry publication, from an article entitled "Weddings that Didn't Quite Go To Plan"....

A couple went to desperate attempts to escape the bride's mother. They booked a cosy ceremony on their own in Barbados, but she had other plans. She found out where they were going, and contacted their tour operator to fly them first class as a surprise. The operator insisted on telling the couple. "When I rang them, the guy said: 'That's exactly why we want to marry overseas. She wants to control us with her money,' " recalls the special services manager. Fearing she would turn up uninvited at their wedding, the couple were set to cancel, but with just a month to go, the manager persuaded them to go to Antigua instead.

To ensure the mother-in-law didn't discover the change of plan, the Barbados booking was kept on the tour operator's system and a dummy Antigua booking made, with their names added only at the last minute. The ruse worked perfectly, and the couple enjoyed a superb wedding - while the mother-in-law turned up unannounced at the Barbados venue looking for them!

And that, ladies and gentlemen, is precisely the reason that if the Other Half and I decide to tie the knot, we'll be buggering off to a remote beach and not telling anyone until we get back. It is exactly the sort of thing that my mother would do. In fact, when I read the article I had to do a mental inventory in order to check that the above story wasn't about me.

Carry on.


Blogger Kellycat chimed in with...

That's why, if Duck and I get married, I'm only going to give my mum a week's notice, which is sufficient for her to find an outfit.

Otherwise I would probably miss my own wedding because of the murder trail.

SG - will I not be wearing peach taffeta then?

01 February, 2006 12:05  
Blogger Kellycat chimed in with...

That's "trial", not "trail".

01 February, 2006 12:06  
Blogger the Beep chimed in with...

either seems to make sense KC.

01 February, 2006 12:46  
Blogger Donna chimed in with...

But Andy already has his bridesmaid's dress ...

01 February, 2006 13:43  
Blogger car01 chimed in with...

We were going to go and do it in secret (the getting married bit, I mean) and then tell everyone afterwards, but not near as fancy as Barbados, Antigua etc - more the like popping down to the Register Office at lunchtime one day, but we feared that our parents reactions would be too severe and long-lasting so we gave them 2 weeks notice, told them that they'd better not bugger around or cause a fuss.

As it was, they both said that they thought we'd just vanish and get married on our own and they couldn't care less.

Parents, eh?

01 February, 2006 16:22  
Blogger Wyndham chimed in with...

If me and the lovely Veronica ever got married I want it to be at the stunning ice-hotel in Sweden, so that if the mother-in-law insisted on turning up for it at least the location would play havoc with her arthritis.

01 February, 2006 16:47  
Anonymous Anonymous chimed in with...

Just make sure you have some sort of reception so that people still need to buy you presents.

01 February, 2006 19:24  
Blogger FirstNations chimed in with...

tell me why i have to go trolling the uk blogs to find women who can write, have a sense of humor and don't refer to 'the lord' every other sentence? *sigh*
diggin ya.
linkin ya.

01 February, 2006 20:51  
Anonymous Anonymous chimed in with...

I recommend Vegas. Hire an Elvis impersonator--guaranteed to keep mothers at bay.

02 February, 2006 07:43  
Blogger Betty chimed in with...

I tell you what, just get married in complete secrecy and have a couple of friends as witnesses, and don't ever tell anyone else(what people don't know can't hurt them and they can't bring it up in every argument you have for the rest of your life). I wish I bloody had.

02 February, 2006 08:58  
Blogger Perry Neeham chimed in with...

This doesn't apply to you SG but I found it difficult to be overly sympathetic to the couple in the story. I mean, there are worse things in life than being forced to fly first class.

02 February, 2006 09:17  
Anonymous Anonymous chimed in with...

We've decided that if we get hitched it will be a quiet affair done exactly as we wish. I think it would be quite cool to have SP there to witness it but other than that no parents, no hassles and certainly no taffeta !!!!!

02 February, 2006 09:19  
Blogger surly girl chimed in with...

no taffeta?


02 February, 2006 09:39  
Blogger Spinsterella chimed in with...

Some friends of mine got married in a registry office. The only guests were his dad and her best friend (who only found out on the day because she phoned to see why the bride wasn't at work).

They both wore their second-best outfits, cos they never got around to getting their best clothes dry-cleaned in time.

They are very happily married, and didn't waste a year of thir lives stressing about the invite list..

02 February, 2006 10:43  
Anonymous Anonymous chimed in with...

Well, I might squeeze into a carisse taffeta number...but only if you ask really nicely and I must have shoes to match !!!

02 February, 2006 11:51  
Blogger Smat chimed in with...

weddings and guest lists and seating plans (that was our biggest problem with my f-i-l ringing the Scottish Office to check on protocol fgs) are a nightmare. Don't do it, just live in sin, is my advice. Says Smat 14.5 years down the line.

02 February, 2006 14:47  

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