Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Season's Greetings

It's been a funny old week. Tidying up all the loose ends at work before the break (i.e. doing everything I've been putting off since January in a state of mild panic), getting ready for Christmas - all that. This, coupled with the sudden appearance on my work internet connection of the dreaded WebMarshal, means that I haven't been about so much. So if I normally comment on your blog but haven't for a bit it doesn't mean I don't love you any more, it just means I'm too fucking scared to upload anything from my work PC for fear of getting Dooced. And since I do most of my blogging from work, I haven't really posted either. I would apologise, but do you really expect me to do this on my own time? Would you? I didn't think so.

So, with all this in mind, I think it's time to shut up shop for Christmas. I demand that everyone has a fabulous time; that those of you who drink do it to excess, and that those of you who don't eat twelve extra sausage rolls instead. I want to you to eat too much, drink too much, play stupid party games and bicker incessantly with your close family. Let's have Scrabble, and too many Quality Street, and tears before bedtime brought on by too much cherry brandy and a slightly crap present from your significant other. In short, have a fucking marvellous one and I'll catch up with you on January 3rd*.

Carry on.

* Probably. If I can be arsed**. You might wish I hadn't bothered - January is the Month of Staying In and Detoxing. Stop yawning at the back.

** Oh, come on. Who am I kidding? I'm too needy to even stay away that long.


Blogger Kyahgirl chimed in with...

who are you kidding indeed!?!

Have a great break.


20 December, 2005 20:08  
Blogger Juggling Mother chimed in with...

Happy Holidays and all that. Have agood time & I hope the IT Marshall leaves soon!

we'll miss you:-)

20 December, 2005 20:50  
Blogger garfer chimed in with...

It shall be done.

Thou shalt do likewise.

Have a good one.

20 December, 2005 20:56  
Blogger JonnyB chimed in with...

Happy Christmas.

I am quite excited about this Web Marshall chap. DOes he have a big 'W' on his jersey?

20 December, 2005 21:11  
Blogger Sniffy chimed in with...


20 December, 2005 22:12  
Blogger mig bardsley chimed in with...

I want to do excess drink and 12 extra. As well as most of the rest.
Happy Chrissie thing to you too. and all that.

21 December, 2005 01:33  
Blogger MinCat chimed in with...

right back at ya!

21 December, 2005 05:41  
Blogger Dave chimed in with...

And also to you.

21 December, 2005 07:49  
Blogger zanna chimed in with...

so you're not going to do an alternative Christmas message a la Jamie Oliver??!! May your Christmas be as drunk as mine and your New Year even better xxx

21 December, 2005 09:37  
Blogger Donna chimed in with...

Hi SG. Email me at home so we can arrange to go out for some beers around Christmas. Ta (donna.hussey@gmail.com) Cos I'm signed off work (YAY!!!)

21 December, 2005 11:46  
Blogger Frobisher chimed in with...

Seasons Greetings X

21 December, 2005 12:22  
Blogger Huw chimed in with...

Still two more days to go here... Bah!

21 December, 2005 12:47  
Anonymous Anonymous chimed in with...

See you tomorrow then, sg.


21 December, 2005 13:10  
Blogger Perry Neeham chimed in with...

Book me in for the wine fuelled scrabble match. Have a great Christmas!

21 December, 2005 14:59  
Blogger Whinger chimed in with...

I've started posting via email BECAUSE of the Internet police.

Damn them.

But YOU have a very Merry Christmas!

21 December, 2005 16:37  
Blogger Aginoth chimed in with...

I reckon you'll be back within a couple of days :o)

Ummm...didn't you used to have a link to me in your sidebar? Where did it go? what did I do? I'll cry you know....can I have it back? please? prety please?

21 December, 2005 18:40  
Blogger CyberPete chimed in with...

Happy Christmas SG! Now that I have your permission, I'll be drinking copious amounts of champagne and sending my asshat brother some lovely txt messages.

21 December, 2005 19:15  
Blogger Inexplicable DeVice chimed in with...

I'll leave a better comment later - Colin & Justin are about to come on!

Not that you're not important - you are. Merry Christmas and all that!

22 December, 2005 19:57  
Anonymous Anonymous chimed in with...

Suppose we better drop by and say Merry Crimbo!


From the both of us, to the both of you, we hope Santa gave you everything you wanted, that you ate too much, got fatter, vomited numerous times and then had pudding.

Hope 2006 brings you much lurrrrrve (the pervy kind would be good), a massive Lottery win (to share with us) and, of course, continuing friendships.

With love,
John & Martin

Look! We never used the word 'cunt'!

25 December, 2005 21:25  
Blogger Urban Chick chimed in with...

please post soon

i miss yoooooooooooooooooooou

*sniffs sentimentally*

28 December, 2005 19:37  
Blogger surly girl chimed in with...

pig and taz, you sentimental bastards. bless you.

back soon...

30 December, 2005 16:09  
Blogger mig bardsley chimed in with...

One hell of a long holiday you're having! It had better be a very good one.
I'm missing your generally wry and snarky views of the world. (And stories of small person).
Happy NY to you and yours.

30 December, 2005 22:43  
Blogger Inexplicable DeVice chimed in with...

Happy New Year! (for tomorrow, obviously. I'm just preparing for the eventuality that I won't be in any fit state to wish anyone any mushy greetings on the 1st).

Hurry back, do. If I bait my breath any more I'll end up catching fish!

31 December, 2005 09:44  
Blogger zanna chimed in with...

happy new year my sweets, have a great one x x x

31 December, 2005 15:28  
Blogger Kyahgirl chimed in with...

ok, now this has gone on too long. *stamps foot*
Please come back. I miss you!!!


And wishing you a happy productive New Year!

31 December, 2005 15:59  
Blogger bedshaped chimed in with...

I have 'returns' here to bring back!
What kind of customer service do you call this?

Enjoy the turn of the new year!

31 December, 2005 16:02  

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