Tuesday, August 09, 2005


For those who haven't been there yet, go and have a look at PostSecret (see my links section). It was set up as an art project, but it seems to have become more of an online therapy service. The secrets posted range from the lighthearted to the seemingly life-threatening, and cover every emotion in between. New secrets are posted every Sunday, and it's the first place I go on a Monday morning. I have no doubts whatsoever that some visitors may mutter about strength of character and wonder why these people don't just tell someone and move on. But I see it differently. Maybe there are some things that are just too difficult to share, paradoxically especially so with the people who might be able to help. Perhaps some of these people are so deeply, intrinsically ashamed of either their past or current behaviour that the simple act of creating an anonymous postcard and sending it off to someone they've never met could be a cathartic experience, and maybe the first step on a road to recovery, or at the very least some sort of peace.

Now, where did I leave my scissors? And that picture of the singer from Showaddywaddy?


Anonymous Anonymous chimed in with...

Not Dave Bartram ???

09 August, 2005 15:06  
Blogger surly girl chimed in with...

dunno. was he the lead singer?

of course, that wouldn't really be my secret.

09 August, 2005 15:11  
Blogger car01 chimed in with...

I posted (one of) my secrets off yesterday...

09 August, 2005 15:25  
Blogger surly girl chimed in with...

was it scary? or fun? am not sure how it would make me feel....

09 August, 2005 15:30  
Blogger Dave chimed in with...

Hey, you're as bad as Phil. Why does the link to my blog not give the full title?

You're not ashamed of admitting you read a blog with the word 'cricket' in the title, are you?

I'm just off to check whether I've given you a link on mine now.

09 August, 2005 16:29  
Blogger Dave chimed in with...

Yes Dave, it does. And you've put it down in full, not chopped off halfway thr...

09 August, 2005 16:48  
Blogger surly girl chimed in with...

i think he means i've just linked using "life is..." rather than all that guff about cricket which, frankly, would repel more people than it would attract. if it were an elaborate metaphor for, say, Pop Idol, or Celebrity Pre-Teen Shark Wrestling then maybe it'd work. I'm only thinking of him....

09 August, 2005 16:53  
Blogger surly girl chimed in with...

i think he means i've just linked using "life is..." rather than all that guff about cricket which, frankly, would repel more people than it would attract. if it were an elaborate metaphor for, say, Pop Idol, or Celebrity Pre-Teen Shark Wrestling then maybe it'd work. I'm only thinking of him....

09 August, 2005 16:53  
Blogger surly girl chimed in with...

oh dear, double commenting. sorry.

09 August, 2005 16:55  
Blogger Dave chimed in with...

If I change the title to exchange the word 'cricket' for something like 'futon-stuffing' I'd only attract the wrong sort of crowd.

At least people know what to expect when they come to my place.

Nice to see Fatima's still alive.

09 August, 2005 17:11  
Blogger car01 chimed in with...

Ooh, my secret's there now :)

15 August, 2005 11:13  
Blogger surly girl chimed in with...

hmmmm.....marbles? hamster? bound to be one of the two.

how exciting. am definitely getting round to doing mine this week.

15 August, 2005 11:17  
Blogger car01 chimed in with...

You won't get any joy out of me about which one it is, but what makes you think either of those is me?

15 August, 2005 11:49  
Blogger surly girl chimed in with...

they were the most innocuous ones.....i wouldn't pretend to know which one it really is, and didn't want to trivialise it as it may have been one of the more serious ones.

oh lord, it's the marbles, isn't it?

15 August, 2005 11:52  
Blogger car01 chimed in with...

No comment

Except I obviously did just make a comment, so that's defeated the object of it all, I must say. But anyway, no comment - it's a secret :)

15 August, 2005 11:55  
Anonymous Anonymous chimed in with...

I''m not familiar with this subject but interesed.

17 December, 2005 13:55  

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