Friday, August 26, 2005

Name and shame

The BBC News website has been running a small feature inspired by the death of Robert Moog, the man who invented the synthesiser. It's pronounced "Mogue" (rhymes with "vogue"), apparently. Readers were asked to write in with their own experiences of difficulties with their names, which led to this which I found today.

Personal favourites are number seven, and number twenty. Enjoy.


Blogger Maven chimed in with...

I enjoyed #17. I saw this recently and it fits in perfectly with this post:

I believe the middle name "Scrotum Bag" trumps everyone:)

26 August, 2005 16:11  
Blogger Dave chimed in with...

I find the name Lowri highly amusing, in an odd sort of way.

26 August, 2005 16:34  
Blogger Donna chimed in with...


26 August, 2005 18:07  
Blogger car01 chimed in with...

Himself used to work with a bloke called Dan. Not so bad, until you learned that his real name was Dana, and since their ex-boss couldn't get his head around a bloke being called Dana (he was Canadian. Not the boss, the bloke called Dan), that he introduced him to everyone as Dan. It was only as he was leaving, 3 years later that he mentioned that his name wasn't actually Dan.

30 August, 2005 14:46  
Blogger surly girl chimed in with...

i went to school with a girl called serena pilchard.

30 August, 2005 16:42  

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