Friday, August 26, 2005

Family outing

As is the way of these things, the CD player in the car has chosen today to stop working again. I asked the garage to look at it when the car died the week before last, but since they are halfwits with brains the size of peanuts that obviously didn't happen. It's particularly annoying today as we have a four hour drive down to Wiltshire this evening, to spend the weekend with my Dad and Stepmum. Although the Other Half has met them before, it't the first time he's experienced the full-on party-games-and-bickering extravaganza that is a weekend at Woodlands. It's going to be sort of weird for me, too....walking into the living room and thinking "hang on, you're that bloke from the IT department.." (the Other Half, not my Dad. My Dad's retired, and in any case views any technology beyond the calculator with suspicion).

Another weird dream last night - Dirty Den from Eastenders was my Dad, and we lived in a bungalow with a swimming pool. There was a man with no front teeth who kept trying to get off with me, and I couldn't find my glasses (in the style of Velma from Scooby Doo)...the only ones I could find all made me look like Kathy Burke in Gimme Gimme Gimme. There was an incident involving sister Fifi's Other Half, and my Other Half ended up sedating him (badly - think that dippy Norwegian bint off Vets in Practice trying to inject a kitten...)and trying to contain him by putting a laundry basket over him. Despite this excellent restraint, he escaped and Dirty Den, the man with no front teeth and the Other Half all chased him off down a Starsky and Hutch style alleyway.

Still, at least it's a lovely day.


Blogger Dave chimed in with...

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26 August, 2005 11:06  
Blogger Dave chimed in with...

So you won't be coming round my place for cream cakes then?

Oh, did that look like pimping?

26 August, 2005 11:07  
Blogger surly girl chimed in with...

are you never going to get over that?

btw i've now fixed the html so you can link through to where i tell you all about how it is at my dad's.

i'm allowed to pimp my blog in my own comments.....

26 August, 2005 11:15  
Anonymous Anonymous chimed in with...

I always thought the speccy one in Scooby Doo was I wrong (again !!!) ?

26 August, 2005 11:37  
Blogger surly girl chimed in with...

yup. she's velma there...

did we have a bet on this one....?!

26 August, 2005 11:43  
Anonymous Anonymous chimed in with...

You mean there's actually a site on t'internet that contains all such facts about said cartoon series ? I must get out more....

Sadly, no, we didn't make a wager on this particular issue. Good job really, I doubt I can afford to lose any more bets.....

26 August, 2005 11:45  
Blogger Dave chimed in with...

Can you explain to me, in words of not more than five letters (bear in mind we didn't have computers when I was at school) how to do that linking to one of your own blog entries (at the moment I just tell people to read the entry for the 5th January, or whatever). Do remember that I did tell you how to do bold etc.

26 August, 2005 11:48  
Blogger surly girl chimed in with...

it was carol what told me...use <> brackets not [], but it goes [a href="http://yourlinkhere"]words that will do the hyperlink[/a]

does that make sense?

quid pro quo - how do you delete/amend comments once you've posted?

does anyone want to know what Shaggy's last name is?

26 August, 2005 12:07  
Blogger Dave chimed in with...

I know how to do a hyperlink - I write my blog entries in Word, and use it's hyperlink facility. What I don't know is how to make alink to a specific entry in my blog - when I've tried it, all it does is take me to my main blog.

I delete comments on a blog by hitting the dustbin icon, which was there earlier today, but now seems to have vanished.

26 August, 2005 12:35  
Blogger Dave chimed in with...

Oh, it's back now that I've logged on as a blogger person.

26 August, 2005 12:35  
Blogger surly girl chimed in with...

you have to get the proper URL for the blog entry you want it to go way is to click thru til you find the one you want to link to, then copy/paste the URL into your html statement thingy.

doesn't anybody want to know what Shaggy's last name is?

26 August, 2005 13:22  
Anonymous Anonymous chimed in with...

I do...

26 August, 2005 14:09  
Blogger surly girl chimed in with...

it's rogers.

every day's a school day.

26 August, 2005 14:36  
Blogger Dave chimed in with...

I've just been messing around with some ideas of my own, and have worked out how to do it. Many thanks for your help anyway.

26 August, 2005 16:34  

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