Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Enough already.

Phew - normal service is now resumed. In that I may be tired, grumpy and generally resentful, but at least I'm not boring you with tales of woe today.

I'm being hounded round the blogosphere by a man named Dave, who was, apparently, so offended by my post the other day on blog pimping that he feels compelled to sulk about it at every given opportunity. Dave - I wasn't insisting that nobody ever mention their own blog ever again, whether posting or commenting. If you want to spray your URL on a bedsheet and hang it from a bridge over the M25 please, feel free. It's all about freedom of expression. In my personal opinion, it's annoying when people leave comments on blogs they don't even like in order to promote their own. But if they need to do that, then that's fine. I'll just add it to the infinite list of things that annoy me (which includes but is not limited to: people who whistle, next door's telly, bad table manners, wet shoelaces, the floor of the changing rooms at the swimming pool, the bad telly reception in my bedroom, the knackered cd player in my almost-brand-new car, anything relating to Richard Madeley, people who like hummus etc etc etc...), and get over it. Eventually.

Now, can we all play nicely, please?


Blogger Pernicious Panda chimed in with...

How about small persons who smell of seaweed?

30 August, 2005 22:47  
Blogger surly girl chimed in with...

that's not on the annoying list. that's on the things-that-make-me-go-a-bit-melty list. along with sticky hugs, rubbish drawings and poky toes.

i love being someone's mum, me.

30 August, 2005 22:49  
Blogger Dave chimed in with...

No, no, no, no, no.

You've got me all wrong. If you recall, you wrote a comment on my blog, saying that I had (and I quote) 'just earned the right to be offended by something I'm going to post'.

Actually I wasn't offended. But I thought I ought to act as if I was, in a sort of ironic way, otherwise it might upset you.

The thing is, I have a sense of humour which is slightly at kilter to that of the rest of the world.

And if you're going to mention my name on your blog, you might have made it a hyperlink, leading them to mine.

31 August, 2005 07:43  
Blogger surly girl chimed in with...

hmmmm. off-kilter sense of humour notwithstanding, i'm not convinced there wasn't an Elephant of Affrontery in there somewhere (they're the worst sort).

this morning's word verification thingy -"orfzccso". black-market viagra for the eastern european gentleman. probably.

31 August, 2005 09:10  
Anonymous Anonymous chimed in with...

Do you have the link to said Viagra....a 'friend' of mine needs it !!!

31 August, 2005 09:56  
Blogger Dave chimed in with...

NO, really there wasn't. I do like to keep a running joke going though. See Carols blog comments today and yesterday. You don't really think I'm going to let this drop as easily as that, do you?

We boring men never forget.

31 August, 2005 09:59  
Blogger surly girl chimed in with...

ah - pimping Carol's blog now, is it? will this never end......

as for the viagra - oh dear. not again?

this time the word verification is wpnqnkk, which sounds like the sort of thing the dyslexic swingers club might get up to...

31 August, 2005 10:12  
Blogger Abaculus chimed in with...

Add to list: people who stand on the LEFT on Tube escalators; people who walk on the left but really slowly; holey socks.

31 August, 2005 11:48  
Blogger surly girl chimed in with...

i don't mind a holey sock, me. as long as it's not lending itself to toe-pokage.

i don't like people who get on the movning walkway at the airport and then just stand there. i know that's what it's for, but it really annoys me.

31 August, 2005 11:59  
Blogger Dave chimed in with...

I don't like people who...

No, actually, I just don't like people.

31 August, 2005 12:43  
Blogger surly girl chimed in with...

amen to that. if i were a religious person...as i'm not, it's probably more affirming -comment-that seconds-what-you-just-said-without-presuming-ethical-bias to that....

people. grrr.

31 August, 2005 14:24  
Blogger car01 chimed in with...

Oooh, pimp my blog Dave! It might help if you slotted the url in there though...

Actually, pleased as I am to have visitors, I really don't much care to self-advertise because my blog's a bit rubbish really.

31 August, 2005 15:12  
Blogger surly girl chimed in with...

hey, i like your blog! some things about blogging i don't like, but your blog i like.....

tskla - refreshing ennuit beer made from distilled herring. i like this word verification thing..

31 August, 2005 15:17  
Blogger car01 chimed in with...

Mmm, distilled herring...

Well, since you're being so kind, you blog is really great too! (Actually I think it's rather more to do with the fact that I suspect we're kindred spirits in some sort of weird and anally retentive way).

"Dyirs": Welsh (n) descriptive of when hair dying goes bad

31 August, 2005 15:32  
Blogger surly girl chimed in with...


uhgkqgk - the noise made on realising that your new puppy has done a poo by the side of your bed and that you have bare feet....

31 August, 2005 15:36  
Blogger surly girl chimed in with...

hummus, houmous. it's all greek to me.

did you see what i did there? did you?

welcome, fifi. please don't spoil it for everyone by being funnier or more articulate than me.

31 August, 2005 15:43  
Blogger surly girl chimed in with...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

31 August, 2005 15:45  
Anonymous Anonymous chimed in with...

HAHAHAHA....gotta love it when big sis drops by to correct your spelling.

31 August, 2005 15:48  
Blogger surly girl chimed in with...

don't you start, or i'll tell everyone about the hot tub.

31 August, 2005 15:55  
Blogger car01 chimed in with...

Oooh, did he do a wee in the hot tub? Or worse?!!

31 August, 2005 16:21  
Blogger surly girl chimed in with...

even the Other Half would draw the line at doing a poo in a hot tub.

i obviously only said that in anticipation of being invited to crash and donna's hot tub once she's sold a kidney in order to buy one.

31 August, 2005 16:27  
Anonymous Anonymous chimed in with...

Let's just say it was a red wine related incident that involved me pitching head first out of the hot tub at some un-godly hour resulting in a number of painful abrasions !!!!

01 September, 2005 10:41  
Blogger surly girl chimed in with...

you forgot to specify "backwards" in your description......

01 September, 2005 10:50  
Blogger patroclus chimed in with...

Seeing as how hummus is a Greek word and therefore written in Greek script, you can spell it any way you like in English as long as your spelling allows it to be pronounced like the Greek word. See also Czar, Tsar, etc. from Russian.

01 September, 2005 17:37  

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